In any case, what is the maximum dose that can be safely consumed? It is high. Robert Cathcart, specialist of vitamin C, proposes to retain the criterion of "intestinal tolerance". He suggests increasing the dose every day until the body reaches its saturation point and the vitamin has a laxative effect.
Most healthy individuals stand well between 10 and 15 grams per day. If you get sick, your body then needs more vitamin C and your intestinal "tolerance" threshold can rise to 30 or 100 grams or even more per day. According to Cathcart and other vitamin C specialists, increasing consumption when one is sick can dramatically shorten the disease. Robert Cathcart's patients with mononucleosis had recovered completely after a few days of vitamin C treatment at 200 grams per day, orally and intravenously, while patients from other doctors in the same area remained hospitalized for several weeks .
The research studies about the purpose of vitamins , see more in here
Vitamin C in the prevention and treatment of autism |
Most healthy individuals stand well between 10 and 15 grams per day. If you get sick, your body then needs more vitamin C and your intestinal "tolerance" threshold can rise to 30 or 100 grams or even more per day. According to Cathcart and other vitamin C specialists, increasing consumption when one is sick can dramatically shorten the disease. Robert Cathcart's patients with mononucleosis had recovered completely after a few days of vitamin C treatment at 200 grams per day, orally and intravenously, while patients from other doctors in the same area remained hospitalized for several weeks .
The research studies about the purpose of vitamins , see more in here
When my teenage daughter was hospitalized in the "terminal" phase of Hodgkin's disease (phase 4B) in 1974, I had 400 grams of vitamin C per day (1050 mg / kg) consumed. The doctors were startled: "You are going to kill her!", They said. "Of course not," I replied. She recovered quickly and 24 years later she is in perfect health (continued from Helen's story on page 7).
In 1966, VanderKamp published a little-known but very interesting study showing that male schizophrenia adults needed 36 to 48 grams of vitamin C per day to reach their saturation point, which saturation point was reached with only 4 Grams per day by the men in the control group. The saturation point was measured by a simple test of pouring a drop of urine into a tube containing a reagent.
"Schizophrenia" is a medical term. So, what's schizophrenia? See more in here
"Schizophrenia" is a medical term. So, what's schizophrenia? See more in here
I was not only struck by the fact that people with schizophrenia needed 10 times more vitamin C than people in the control group, but that this massive intake also resulted in a significant improvement in their relational skills. Patients were not healed, but "they expressed a feeling of well-being, and the expression of their face, usually anxious and tense, was replaced by a smiling and friendly expression. "I no longer feel that everyone is against me." "My mind is clearer." The most timid, reclusive, withdrawn patients had begun to participate in the service activities , To converse with other patients and staff ".
Autism and schizophrenia are obviously very different disorders (I had insisted on this point in my book "Infantile Autism", published in 1964, but the relational progress made by VanderKamp in his schizophrenic patients would be I hope that there will be some readers as interested as I am in discovering the effects that would be obtained if the VanderKamp studies were repeated in patients With Asperger syndrome or autism.
Autism and schizophrenia are obviously very different disorders |
Other researchers have also found improvements in the personality of other patients in psychiatry following consumption of massive doses of vitamin C. Milner (1963) reported for example "statistically significant improvements in patients with depressive symptoms, Maniacs and paranoia, as well as improvements in the overall functioning of their personality ... ".
Research has also demonstrated the value of vitamin C in patients with depression and manic-depressive illnesses, which, as I mentioned in my book "Infantile Autism", may have genetic links with autism.
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