Communication is key |
Child care not only focuses on the child's nutrition, Education is also something that parents need to pay more attention to. It includes the child's psychological state and helps them to be more confident in overcoming all difficulties
The first thing that parents need to understand the child's mood when the child is psychological crisis, understand the feelings and thoughts of the child. When children talk and cry, it is important for them to understand that they know the state of their children. When a child is sexually abused he becomes angry, afraid and embarrassed. Interweaving the story of the child. Thus, the child will feel shared and overcome the psychological crisis, less emotional and physical pain for children.
2. Show interest in the child
Parents need to let their children know that their concern for their children is not feeling alienated. The best way to express your best interest is listening intently. Listen to the child, talk and lean forward, looking straight into the eyes with the most open position when talking to him. It is very important to listen, but it is a very subtle art. Eye contact means focusing your child's attention lightly rather than staring at the child, thus making him or her feel Loss of nature, embarrassment and stress when speaking.
Pay attention to what they say |
Attention is also expressed through the body response, when children talk, parents should pay attention to what they say. In addition, it is important to avoid interfering with the child's mindset with gestures such as: turning away, working individually ... unrelated to what the child is saying, and needing to develop small gestures and Positions that respond directly to what they are saying, such as when they are crying baby can give the baby towel to wipe his eyes.
3. Pay attention to observe children
Observation is concerned with the characteristics of young people at first sight and during work, with the aim of using observed data to understand the child and the child's situation, eg, One corner, no talking to anyone, worn on old torn clothes may be children are very scared and the family is difficult. Observation and recognition are only superficial and can not be confirmed to be true for the child
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