Crises of tears, fatigue, anxiety: more than half of young mothers go through an episode of baby blues in the days following their pregnancy. Without seriousness, it should not be confused with postpartum depression, much more severe and also, fortunately, rarer.
Focus on baby blues
Between the fatigue of childbirth, the hormonal upheavals and the hundreds of questions that any young mother poses at the arrival of her child, the baby blues is easy to explain! Beginning a few days after birth (usually two or three days afterwards), it is rather painful to live: it manifests itself by irritability, crying, the impression of not being up to the task of being Constantly overwhelmed, and also guilt ... Rest assured: this state is nothing pathological! This is just an adaptation step, the time to get to know your baby well and get used to your new life together: everything comes back spontaneously after one to ten days.
How to recognize postpartum depression?
Postpartum depression affects about 10% of mothers. Its first manifestations are very similar to those of simple baby blues (crises of tears, fatigue, irritability, guilt), from which sometimes a certain confusion between the two ... Yet there are many differences between these two states!
First, in postpartum depression, symptoms appear later: usually a few weeks after birth. Moreover, they do not disappear by themselves after a few days ... On the contrary, the postpartum depression settles permanently in time: it can last several months, even more than a year ... In addition , As it is a real depression, the symptoms quickly become more intense than those of the baby blues: continuous black ideas, impression of being "null" in everything ... Moms who are victims can also have Poorly interested in their baby: a good psychological support can fortunately treat postpartum depression.
What causes postpartum depression?
Who can be affected?
Sensitive question: in reality, no one can predict which woman will suffer from postpartum depression. It is now possible to cite a few risk factors ... Thus, postpartum depression is possibly possible in the case of unwanted pregnancy, very complicated childbirth, prematurity, or baby birth. However, this is very far from being a fatality! Similarly, some psychologically painful events (eg recent mourning, sentimental rupture) or difficult living conditions (eg unemployment) can also sometimes trigger postpartum depression.
What are the risks for baby?
In the absence of a quick and effective management of their mother's postpartum depression, some children may have emotional problems (eg fear of going to others), sleep disorders or even delay Language learning ... More reason to consult quickly!
How to react ?
Dare to break the silence! Admitting to the doctor or your entourage what you are going through is not easy: according to the dictates of the society, the birth of your baby should "necessarily" make you swim in full happiness, but you should not guilt , You are not responsible for what happens to you!
In addition, consulting your doctor is the only way to know if you are actually suffering from postpartum depression: some simple hormonal disorders such as hypothyroidism (insufficient production of hormones by the thyroid gland) Birth to identical symptoms! He will start by making you analyze: in the absence of hormonal causes, he will direct you to a psychologist.
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